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PVC Extended Shank Closet Flange

A broken closet flange can cause water to leak from the base of a toilet causing damages to surrounding fixtures and the release of unwanted waste and smells. Replacing the damaged closet flange or installing a new toilet is simple with this 4 in. closet flange with an extended length of 5-1/2-inches to reach the riser below floor height.  It is lightweight and durable, built with PVC for installation with solvent weld over a 3-inch Schedule 40 pipe or inside a 4-inch Schedule 40 pipe.

  • Use: For toilet mounting in repair or new installation applications.
  • Connection: Solvent welded connection for use over 3 in. Sch. 40 pipe or inside 4 in. Sch. 40 pipe.
  • Features: 5-1/2 in. extended shank reaches rises below floor height.
  • Construction: PVC.

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